Kharagpur Winter of Code is a 5-week long online program for students who are new to open source software development.
The program not only helps students to get involved in open source,
but also prepares them for many open source summer programs; Google Summer of Code being one of them.
Improved the overall system architecture. Removed redundant code segments from the project. Added several features like
Color correction. Registering new users in the DataBase via Tkinter GUI.
Currently working on the Seat Matrix Feature similiar to redBus. Feature to store user passwords through salting/hashing.
Contributing to Open Source projects. Proper communication and collaboration among the peers and fellow contributors.
Various methods and requirements for opening a PR. Forking a repository, creating a seperate working branch. Proper testing and
integration of the newly added features before opening PR. Making sure the new feature doesn't change the core objective of the
Program. Proper understanding of each and every code segments in the program. Efficient use of online resources. Googling skills.