Before this the last time I had fever was after taking the 1st dose of Covaxin. [Temp : 102 °F]
Its strange how I slowly just lost control on my body. Looking into it now it really
feels weird. Why does the pain in the bones become so unbearable? This fever really hampered
a whole week of my schedules. Below are all the logs:
Jul 15
No internet. Called my ISP at around ~1220 to enable my internet, will pay later at
noon today. He said ok. But internet didnt come.
Later this day I found the isp office closed. Probably out for some construction work.
So I used mobile network. Managed to get all the emails and notifications. But sadly no
youtube vdo.
Waked up at 1200 today. Couldnt sleep in night due to this unexpected buldge below the
of my tounge. God it hurts.
Along with my mother I am also feeling a bit weaker than usual. A bit dizziness, pain in
bones, typical fever symptomps.
Many other peoples are also getting the same symptomps. Some are saying this could be
due to
the 4th covid wave. While this
can be the case but neither me and my mother are facing any breathing problem (for
Btw 5th sem offline class starts from today. From whatsapp group it doesnt seem like
students are present today.
Im having a high fever. News says many people have already been suffering from the 4th
covid wave.
Dunno what will happen to me. Even if I will return back to this PC again. Im saying
this cuz
Im terribly ill. My body is full of pain.
Jul 16
Have been trying to connect to the internet from 1030. But my fucking router is horse
shit. Dont know wtf is wrong with it. I did everything
to ensure that it works but all in vain till now.
Btw fever update : had a hard time sleeping in the night. Headache and unbearable pain
in the knees didnt let me sleep. I also tried puking but
that didnt work.
Right now I am feeling dizziness in head.
Jul 17
Was too weak to write down anything.
Jul 18
Still feeling a bit weak.
Jul 18
cadaver (
I dont know as of now why I wrote that!
Jul 20
Check out this cool AI LinkedIn post generator! => ShlinkedIn
- 2. Create a basic react app [npx create-react-app
- 3. [npm i bootstrap react-bootstrap]
- 4. [npm i firebase]
- 5. In react-router-dom v6 useHistory() is replaced by useNavigate().
- 6. Cancelling the project cuz its deprecated.
1. [npm i firebase@9.9.1 -g]
2. [mkdir firebase_npm_passwd && cd firebase_npm_passwd]
3. [npm i firebase@9.9.1]
npm WARN deprecated core-js@3.6.5: core-js@3.23.3 is no longer
maintained and not
recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims,
feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if
nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade
your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. added 120 packages, and audited
121 packages in 3m 5 packages are looking for funding run `npm fund` for details
found 0 vulnerabilities
4. [apt-get remove nodejs npm]
5. There might be some extra `.npm` or `.node` program. I will try to
remove them after completely uninstalling nodejs and npm
6. [which nodejs], [which node] => no folder
named `node` and `nodejs`
found. Good.
7. [apt-get install nodejs]
[nodejs --version] => #v16.15.1
[apt install npm] # 58 MB of disk space will be used.
[npm --version] => #8.14.0
8. `npx` was still causing the password denying problem so I used
10. Just took a piss and now I realise I have to restart this project.
11. [sudo chmod -R 777 testprojectdir]
Fuck this. I need to practice a bit of nodejs and react before I try implementing
Firebase in nodejs.
Finally I developed it. Some issues to be addressed :
If I press "." first, the calculator breaks
Cant display "0" in the `currenOperand` when the calculator is freshly loaded
Ngl all these npm packages, their own third-party dependencies, sudo permission for executing
poses a HUGE security threat to the system. NodeJS in linux is nightmare. All the time you
have to
type sudo password for saving files. Sucks!
This year it barely rained in the Western part of WB and other states including Odisha,
Bihar, Jharkhand.
Previous years, while I was in my high school, it would be nearly impossible to cycle down
the streets. And now
that Im all the time inside my home it barely rains.
With that said, let's run npx webpack, which will take our script at src/index.js as the
entry point,
and will generate dist/main.js as the output. The npx command, which ships with Node
8.2/npm 5.2.0
or higher, runs the webpack binary (./node_modules/.bin/webpack)
Open index.html from the dist directory in your browser and, if everything went right,
you should see the following text: 'Hello webpack'.
deepracer Quiz Got 22/30 on 1 try. TARGET : 30/30 , 2 chances left. Its raining
- make sure to review the `machine-learning intro` and `reinforcement learning intro`
modules before wasting the 2nd quiz attempt.
Find sub-domains of a domain : [echo | hakrawler]
Also find javascript scripts of both the domain and sub-domain : [echo | hakrawler - subs]
Went outside my house after more than 20 days. But the purpose wasnt achieved. Will
check in after 48 hrs.
Jul 27
`Iron Lung` Theme song is really cool and spooky!
Just got a call from college (Sharmistha ma'am). I got selected for the second
from ADS WEB Solutions (Sussy company) for client side job.
Interview is going to be online.
Try taking a look at Hugo static site generator (Just like mkdocs for documentation) :
PaaS : Platform as a Service
SaaS : Software as a Service
A deadlock in OS is a situation in which more than one process is blocked because it is
holding a resource and also requires some resource that is
acquired by some other process.
Try getting some insights on this later : "Cosmopolitan Libc allows you to build
programs that run on six operating systems"
APE stands for Actually Portable Executable, an executable file that
can run on the major platforms unmodified (windows/linux/mac/etc.)
Yeah “” is an atrocious name for a program. Like seriously
A COM file is a type of simple executable file. On the Digital Equipment Corporation VAX
operating systems of the 1970s, .COM was used as a
filename extension for text files containing commands to be issued to the operating
zsh - the Z shell
Definition of ABI: Whereas an API defines a source interface, an ABI defines the
low-level binary interface between two or more pieces of
software on a particular architecture. It defines how an application interacts with
itself, how an application interacts with the kernel, and
how an application interacts with libraries.
Windows NT command is a command that can be typed at the Microsoft
Windows NT command prompt, usually to perform an administrative action.
Code morphing is an approach used in obfuscating software to protect software
applications from reverse engineering, analysis, modifications,
and cracking. This technology protects intermediate level code such as compiled from
Java and .NET languages rather than binary object code.
.elf file = In computing, the Executable and Linkable Format, is a
common standard file format for executable files, object code,
shared libraries, and core dumps.
code dumps = In computing, a core dump, memory dump, crash dump, storage dump, system
dump, or ABEND dump consists of the recorded state of
the working memory of a computer program at a specific time, generally when the program
has crashed or otherwise terminated abnormally.
NEXT : redbean is an open source
webserver in a zip executable that runs on six operating systems.
cache optimizations for functional languages
Stimulus: A modest
framework for the HTML you already have.
Jul 28
Msg received. Going outside..
Compiler Explorer (from C++ Weekly by Jason Turner) =
--std=c++2a => -std : standard ; c++2a : draft features from c++ 20
Looked at the progress of the Launch Ghat. Looks awesome
Jul 30
Just returned home from College today. CA1 PPT Presentation. Fking humidity is killing
it outside. Also didnt even open my pc yesterday for ENTIRE DAY.
Was busy reading a Story Book (Brahman Amnibas by Umaprasad Mukhopadhyay)